Weather Alert Criteria

Access Alert Criteria

Set Alert Criteria

Storm Attributes



Hurricane Center

Forecast Conditions

NWS Alerts

Observed Conditions

Access Alert Criteria

To manage your weather alert criteria settings, select

Settings > Weather Alerts > Alert Criteria

Set Alert Criteria

  1. Choose the location for the criteria.


  2. Select the desired audible alert.


  3. Enter the desired weather conditions settings.

    Note "greater than" and "less than" entries where applicable.

    Use the vertical scroll bar to view all options.

    Use drop down lists to enter criteria where provided.


  4. Click Enable for each criteria to activate it.


  5. Click Save Changes.


Storm Attributes


Enter a value from 5 - 15.


Click on Settings...

to access PrecipTimer® Settings.

Select the desired settings from the popup menu.

Note: These settings are common to all locations where the Alert is enabled.

Click OK to save your settings.

Hurricane Center

Forecast Conditions

Lead Time (1 - 12 hours) is available from the drop down list.

NWS Alerts

Observed Conditions

Select Visibility from the drop down list.