
Past 1 Hour

Past 3 Hours



Past 7 Days

Past 30 Days

Precipitation Scale


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to expand the tool list.

Past 1 Hour

Past 3 Hours



Past 7 Days

Past 30 Days

Select the desired time period to display.

(Only one period can be active at a time.)

Precipitation Scale

Past 1 Hour

Past 1 hour estimated rainfall (or liquid equivalent, if snow).

Updated hourly.

Past 3 Hours

Past 3 hours estimated rainfall (or liquid equivalent, if snow).

Updated hourly.


Rainfall so far (or liquid equivalent of snow) since 7 A.M. Central Daylight Time (summer)

Rainfall so far (or liquid equivalent of snow) since 6 A.M. Central Standard Time (winter).

Updated hourly.


24 hour rainfall (or liquid equivalent of snow).

Actual amount as of 7 A.M. yesterday to 7 A.M. today Central Daylight Time (summer).

Actual amount as of 6 A.M. yesterday to 6 A.M. today Central Standard Time (winter).

Updated twice daily at UTC -7 hours and UTC -11 hours.

Estimates are updated with ground observations at mid-day.

Past 7 Days

Past 7 days actual rainfall (or liquid equivalent of snow).

Updated daily.

Past 30 Days

Past 30 days actual rainfall (or liquid equivalent of snow).

Updated daily.