WINS Alerts


Change Location

View Alerts by Status

View Details

Archive Alert

Delete Alert

Manage Alert Parameters

WINS Alert Example


New alerts cause the View Alerts link to turn red

until you view WINS Alerts.

To view Weather Information Notification Service alerts, select Weather Alerts from the lower toolbar.

Change Location

Access specific locations through the Alert Locations drop down menu.

View Alerts by Status


All | New | Archived Alerts

through the Alert Status drop down menu.

View Details

Click on an alert link

to view WINS Alert Detail.

Click Back to return to WINS Alerts.

Archive Alert

  1. Select the alert.

  2. From WINS Alert Detail click Mark as Archived.

Delete Alert

  1. Select the alert.

  2. From WINS Alert Detail click Delete.

Manage Alert Parameters

See Alerts to learn how to add, change, and delete alert parameters.