Hourly Forecast

To add Hourly Forecast to your Main page content, access:

Settings > Mobile > Main

Hourly Forecast displays the forecast weather conditions for the default location for the next five hours.

If you added Hourly Forecast to your Main page content, click Hourly Forecast to view the details.

Change Hourly Forecast Location

You can also access Hourly Forecast from the Main menu

and the DTN Weather menu.

Hours 1-5

The Hourly Forecast page provides the following information:


Time the forecast is valid.

Icon and expected weather conditions.


Expected temperature in Fahrenheit.

Feels Lk

Feels Like Temperature in Fahrenheit. This will indicate the Heat Index when the temperature is above 70 degrees and the Wind Chill when the temperature is below 50 degrees.


Wind direction and speed. This is the direction the wind is blowing from. The speed is indicated in miles per hour.

Precip Chnc

Precipitation Chance in percent. This is the chance of rain, snow, or ice. The higher the number, the better the chance for precipitation.


Forecast for Next Five Hours

From the Hourly Forecast page, select Next 5 Hours to get a detailed forecast for the next five hours.

Hours 6-10

Change Hourly Forecast Location

When you log into DTN Mobile®, the weather pages reflect conditions for your default location. (Your default location is set up in Mobile Main Setup Preferences)

Please refer to Change Location for Weather Reports to learn how to change location during your current online session.